10 Best Online Vision Board Workshop Ideas

How to Put On a Virtual Vision Board Workshop

Tue Aug 13 2024
Krish Jagirdar
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Ever feel like your goals are just floating around in your head, waiting to be grounded into reality? That’s where vision boards come in! Vision boards have long been a go-to tool for dreamers, doers, and everyone in between. But in today’s remote-first world, how do you bring that magic to the virtual space? Well, I've got just the thing—10 top virtual vision board workshop ideas that’ll help you and your team turn those lofty aspirations into tangible goals.

Whether you're hosting a team-building session, planning a creative workshop, or just want to bring some positive energy to your remote team, these virtual vision board workshops are just the ticket. So, grab your digital scissors and let’s dive into some visionary vibes!

Want more ideas? Check out our list of 10 of The Best Goal Setting Projects & Activities.

Why Host a Virtual Vision Board Workshop?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about why these workshops are a must. Vision boards are not just collages of pretty pictures—they're powerful tools for visualization and goal-setting. When you see your goals laid out visually, your brain starts to believe they’re achievable. This can be especially potent in a virtual setting, where it’s easy to feel disconnected from your goals and dreams.

Benefits of Virtual Vision Board Workshops

  • Goal Alignment:

    A vision board helps you and your team align on personal and professional goals.

  • Team Bonding:

    Working on vision boards together fosters collaboration and camaraderie, even from afar.

  • Creativity Boost:

    The process of creating a vision board can unlock new ideas and perspectives.

  • Motivation:

    Seeing your goals in a tangible format can provide a motivational boost to keep striving toward them.

10 Top Virtual Vision Board Workshop Ideas

Ready to get started? Here are 10 fantastic virtual vision board workshop ideas that’ll help your team channel their creativity and set some serious goals.

1. Themed Vision Boards

Sometimes, it’s easier to focus on one area of life at a time. A themed vision board workshop allows participants to hone in on a specific topic—like career goals, health and wellness, or travel dreams. By narrowing the focus, participants can dive deeper and create a vision board that’s laser-focused on what they want to achieve.

How to Host:

  • Choose a theme before the workshop.

  • Provide participants with digital resources like images and quotes related to the theme.

  • Encourage discussion around the chosen theme to inspire creativity.

2. Collaborative Team Vision Board

Why not turn your team’s collective goals into one giant vision board? A collaborative vision board workshop is a fantastic way to bring everyone together and align on shared objectives. Each team member contributes images, words, or ideas that represent their personal and professional goals, creating a unified vision for the team.

How to Host:

  • Use a digital collaboration tool like Miro or Canva.

  • Set clear objectives for what the team hopes to achieve together.

  • Allow each team member to contribute their vision to the board.

3. Guided Meditation and Vision Board Workshop

Start the workshop with a guided meditation to help participants clear their minds and focus on their goals. This calming introduction sets the stage for a more intentional vision board creation process. Afterward, participants can dive into crafting their boards with a clear and focused mindset.

How to Host:

  • Hire a meditation instructor or use a pre-recorded meditation session.

  • Encourage participants to reflect on their goals during the meditation.

  • Transition smoothly into the vision board creation process.

4. Vision Board Party with Music

Who says goal-setting can’t be fun? Turn your virtual vision board workshop into a party! Curate a playlist that sets the mood—whether it’s chill vibes for focused creation or upbeat tunes to get the creative juices flowing. Music can make the process more enjoyable and help participants tap into their emotions.

How to Host:

  • Create a collaborative playlist on Spotify and share it with participants.

  • Encourage everyone to choose a song that represents their goals or aspirations.

  • Keep the energy high and the conversation flowing.

5. Vision Board with Journaling Prompts

Combine the power of vision boards with reflective journaling. In this workshop, participants not only create a vision board but also engage in guided journaling exercises that help them explore their goals and aspirations on a deeper level. This combination can lead to more meaningful and impactful vision boards.

How to Host:

  • Provide participants with journaling prompts related to goal-setting and visualization.

  • Allow time for journaling before starting the vision board creation.

  • Encourage participants to share their reflections with the group.

6. Vision Board Swap

In this fun twist, participants create vision boards for each other! This workshop idea is perfect for teams that know each other well. By creating a vision board for a colleague, participants are encouraged to think about the other person’s goals and aspirations, which can foster deeper connections and understanding within the team.

How to Host:

  • Pair up participants randomly or based on their familiarity.

  • Encourage participants to share their goals with their partners before creating the board.

  • Reveal the vision boards in a group setting and discuss the experience.

7. Vision Board Bingo

Turn your vision board workshop into a game with Vision Board Bingo! Create bingo cards with different vision board elements like “a picture of a dream destination,” “an inspiring quote,” or “a representation of a personal goal.” As participants create their boards, they mark off the elements they include. The first to complete a row or the entire card wins a prize!

How to Host:

  • Design bingo cards with various vision board elements.

  • Share the bingo cards with participants before the workshop.

  • Encourage participants to include as many elements as possible in their boards.

8. Digital Vision Board Creation

Not everyone is into cutting and pasting from magazines, especially in a virtual setting. A digital vision board workshop allows participants to create their boards using online tools like Canva, Pinterest, or even PowerPoint. This approach is especially appealing to tech-savvy teams or those who prefer a more polished look.

How to Host:

  • Introduce participants to the digital tools available for vision board creation.

  • Provide a tutorial or guide on how to use these tools effectively.

  • Encourage participants to get creative with their digital boards.

9. Manifestation Vision Board Workshop

Take your vision board workshop to the next level by incorporating the principles of manifestation. In this workshop, participants create vision boards that not only represent their goals but also the emotions, beliefs, and attitudes that will help them achieve those goals. This holistic approach combines visualization with positive affirmations and intention-setting.

How to Host:

  • Educate participants on the basics of manifestation and how it relates to goal-setting.

  • Encourage participants to include affirmations and positive statements on their boards.

  • Facilitate a discussion on how to maintain a manifestation mindset.

10. Annual Review Vision Board

An annual review vision board workshop is perfect for the end of the year or a significant milestone. Participants reflect on their achievements over the past year and create a vision board for the year ahead. This workshop encourages reflection, celebration of successes, and a clear focus on future goals.

How to Host:

  • Start with a reflection session where participants review their past year.

  • Encourage participants to identify key goals for the upcoming year.

  • Guide them in creating a vision board that represents their future aspirations.


1. What is a virtual vision board?

A virtual vision board is a digital version of a traditional vision board. It involves creating a collage of images, words, and symbols that represent your goals and dreams using online tools or digital platforms.

2. How do I host a virtual vision board workshop?

To host a virtual vision board workshop, choose a theme or focus, gather digital resources, select an online collaboration tool, and guide participants through the process of creating their boards. Incorporating music, journaling, or games can enhance the experience.

3. What tools can I use to create a digital vision board?

You can use a variety of tools to create digital vision boards, including Canva, Pinterest, Miro, and PowerPoint. These platforms offer easy-to-use interfaces and a wide range of design options to bring your vision to life.

4. Why should I create a vision board?

Creating a vision board helps you visualize your goals, align your focus, and stay motivated. It serves as a constant reminder of what you’re working toward and can inspire you to take actionable steps to achieve your dreams.

5. Can vision boards really help me achieve my goals?

Yes! Vision boards are a powerful tool for visualization and manifestation. By regularly engaging with your vision board, you keep your goals top of mind, which can help you stay focused and motivated.


And there you have it—10 top virtual vision board workshop ideas to get your team inspired and ready to conquer their goals! Whether you’re looking to foster team bonding, boost creativity, or just have some fun, these workshops offer something for everyone. Remember, the power of a vision board lies not just in its creation, but in its ability to keep your goals front and center, driving you toward success. So go ahead, give one of these workshops a try, and watch your team’s visions come to life!

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Krish Jagirdar
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