150+ Safe For Work Never Have I Ever Questions: The Best List

Clean Never Have I Ever Ideas For Groups

Sat Jan 20 2024
Krish Jagirdar
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Whether you're looking to break the ice at a new job, inject some fun into a team-building day, or just want some good ol' light-hearted banter around the water cooler, a round Never Have I Ever is the perfect solution! To make it easy, we've rounded up a list of the best Safe For Work 'Never Have I Ever' Questions that are not just fun and engaging in an office environment. So, let's dive in and get the ball rolling!

Want more questions? Check out our list of 109 “Get To Know You Questions,” The Best 115 “This or That” Questions For Adults, 99 Of The Best "Would You Rather" Questions.

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How to play 'Never Have I Ever'

'Never Have I Ever' is a classic game that's as simple as it is entertaining. It's all about sharing experiences, or rather, the lack of them! Each statement starts with "Never have I ever..." and if you've done what the statement says, well, you lose a point, or in some versions, you take a sip of your drink (coffee, in this case!) Go around in a circle and take turns starting the "Never have I ever..." question for as many rounds as you want!

‘Safe For Work’ Never Have I Ever Questions

  1. Never have I ever tried skiing or snowboarding.

  2. Never have I ever been on a cruise.

  3. Never have I ever baked a cake from scratch.

  4. Never have I ever tripped in public.

  5. Never have I ever sung loudly in the shower.

  6. Never have I ever danced when I thought nobody was watching.

  7. Never have I ever tried to sound smart and was completely wrong.

  8. Never have I ever gone camping in the wilderness.

  9. Never have I ever been to a country in Asia.

  10. Never have I ever pretended to be on a phone call to avoid someone.

  11. Never have I ever gotten lost using GPS.

  12. Never have I ever seen a shooting star.

  13. Never have I ever learned another language.

  14. Never have I ever taken a dance class.

  15. Never have I ever ridden a horse.

  16. Never have I ever gone vegan or vegetarian.

  17. Never have I ever watched all the movies in a famous film series.

  18. Never have I ever been in an eating contest.

  19. Never have I ever read a novel in one day.

  20. Never have I ever attended a music festival.

  21. Never have I ever gone on a road trip.

  22. Never have I ever learned to play a musical instrument.

  23. Never have I ever tried surfing.

  24. Never have I ever been unable to stop laughing at an inappropriate moment.

  25. Never have I ever laughed at a joke I didn't understand.

  26. Never have I ever visited a theme park.

  27. Never have I ever been in a play or musical.

  28. Never have I ever tried a martial art.

  29. Never have I ever been to a professional sports game.

  30. Never have I ever baked bread from scratch.

  31. Never have I ever had an imaginary friend.

  32. Never have I ever been to a zoo or aquarium.

  33. Never have I ever taken a yoga class.

  34. Never have I ever been on a TV or movie set.

  35. Never have I ever written a poem.

  36. Never have I ever been to a stand-up comedy show.

  37. Never have I ever learned a second language.

  38. Never have I ever gone whale watching.

  39. Never have I ever been to a national park.

  40. Never have I ever taken a pottery or art class.

  41. Never have I ever won a sports championship.

  42. Never have I ever gone to a midnight premiere of a movie.

  43. Never have I ever performed on stage.

  44. Never have I ever been stargazing.

  45. Never have I ever had a pet dog or cat.

  46. Never have I ever participated in a talent show.

  47. Never have I ever built something from wood.

  48. Never have I ever failed a class in school.

  49. Never have I ever attended a high school reunion.

  50. Never have I ever been on a podcast or radio show.

  51. Never have I ever been on television or the radio.

  52. Never have I ever tried an exotic fruit.

  53. Never have I ever been out of the country.

  54. Never have I ever gone on a bad first date.

  55. Never have I ever met someone famous.

  56. Never have I ever been part of a flash mob.

  57. Never have I ever tried scuba diving.

  58. Never have I ever been to a historical monument.

  59. Never have I ever learned to knit or crochet.

Work-Related Never Have I Ever Questions

  1. Never have I ever forgotten to mute myself on a Zoom call.

  2. Never have I ever forgotten to silence my phone in a meeting.

  3. Never have I ever been late to work because of hitting the snooze button.

  4. Never have I ever brought my lunch and then forgot it at home.

  5. Never have I ever had a nickname at work.

  6. Never have I ever printed something personal at the office printer.

  7. Never have I ever accidentally replied all to an email.

  8. Never have I ever had a pet interrupt a video call.

  9. Never have I ever taken home office supplies by mistake.

  10. Never have I ever worked in my pajamas.

  11. Never have I ever had to Google an acronym used in a meeting.

  12. Never have I ever taken a sneaky power nap at work.

  13. Never have I ever forgotten my work password.

  14. Never have I ever made coffee at work but forgot to put the coffee pot back.

  15. Never have I ever mixed up a meeting date or time.

  16. Never have I ever participated in a work fantasy sports league.

  17. Never have I ever used the phrase "Let's circle back" in a meeting.

  18. Never have I ever been the first to arrive at the office.

  19. Never have I ever had to eat lunch at my desk.

  20. Never have I ever been caught talking to myself at work.

  21. Never have I ever accidentally worn mismatched shoes to work.

  22. Never have I ever pretended to work while watching a movie.

  23. Never have I ever participated in an office prank.

  24. Never have I ever been part of an office book club.

  25. Never have I ever forgotten the name of a colleague.

  26. Never have I ever been startled by the office fire alarm.

  27. Never have I ever locked myself out of my office or workstation.

  28. Never have I ever dressed up for Halloween at work.

  29. Never have I ever sent a personal text to a client accidentally.

  30. Never have I ever had a meeting run way over the scheduled time.

  31. Never have I ever had an awkward encounter in the elevator.

  32. Never have I ever sent a work email with a typo.

  33. Never have I ever spilled coffee or tea at my desk.

  34. Never have I ever had a minimum wage job.

  35. Never have I ever forgotten an important deadline.

  36. Never have I ever received a personal call at work.

  37. Never have I ever stolen someone’s lunch at work.

  38. Never have I ever accidentally set off the office security system.

  39. Never have I ever been part of a company sports team.

  40. Never have I ever had a worked in a restaurant.

  41. Never have I ever been on a work retreat.

  42. Never have I ever worked on a holiday.

  43. Never have I ever faked sick.

  44. Never have I ever had to commute more than an hour for work.

  45. Never have I ever accidentally called a colleague by the wrong name.

  46. Never have I ever worked a double shift.

  47. Never have I ever had fallen asleep at work.

  48. Never have I ever won an award or recognition at work.

  49. Never have I ever worked a job that I absolutely hated.

  50. Never have I ever gone to work despite feeling sick.

Interesting Never Have I Ever Questions

  1. Never have I ever witnessed a solar eclipse.

  2. Never have I ever tried a food I couldn't pronounce.

  3. Never have I ever been to a live theater performance.

  4. Never have I ever gone deep-sea fishing.

  5. Never have I ever found a fossil or a gemstone.

  6. Never have I ever prank called as an adult.

  7. Never have I ever ridden in a hot air balloon.

  8. Never have I ever seen a wild animal in its natural habitat.

  9. Never have I ever been to a drive-in movie theater.

  10. Never have I ever tried geocaching.

  11. Never have I ever been in a dance battle.

  12. Never have I ever been broken a bone.

  13. Never have I ever visited a castle.

  14. Never have I ever been part of a jury.

  15. Never have I ever written a letter to someone famous.

  16. Never have I ever tried an extreme sport.

  17. Never have I ever seen a meteor shower.

  18. Never have I ever been to a Renaissance fair.

  19. Never have I ever gone on a pilgrimage.

  20. Never have I ever participated in a cultural festival.

  21. Never have I ever been in a submarine.

  22. Never have I ever ran for school office.

  23. Never have I ever read a book more than once.

  24. Never have I ever been part of a scientific experiment.

  25. Never have I ever attended a major sports final.

  26. Never have I ever been in a parade.

  27. Never have I ever taken part in a traditional tea ceremony.

  28. Never have I ever visited an active volcano.

  29. Never have I ever been on a TV game show.

  30. Never have I ever seen the Northern Lights.

  31. Never have I ever been to a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  32. Never have I ever tried a traditional healing remedy.

  33. Never have I ever been spelunking.

  34. Never have I ever gone bird watching.

  35. Never have I ever been to an opera.

  36. Never have I ever learned built something with my own two hands.

  37. Never have I ever been to a VIP event.

  38. Never have I ever seen a rare animal in the wild.

  39. Never have I ever been part of a religious ceremony from a different faith.

  40. Never have I ever ridden in a limousine.

  41. Never have I ever eaten escargot.

  42. Never have I ever been to a book or poetry reading.

  43. Never have I ever stalked a celebrities house.

  44. Never have I ever been to an exotic island.

  45. Never have I ever tried an unusual local delicacy while traveling.

  46. Never have I ever been in a historic mansion or estate.

  47. Never have I ever attended a unique small-town event or festival.

  48. Never have I ever been part of a flash mob.

  49. Never have I ever learned a traditional skill from an elder.

  50. Never have I ever seen a ghost.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many people can play 'Never Have I Ever'?

Any number! It's flexible and fun for small or large groups.

2. Can we modify the rules?

Absolutely! Feel free to adapt the game to suit your office culture.

3. Is it appropriate for all work environments?

Yes, our list is specifically designed to be office-friendly.


In conclusion, our collection of Safe For Work 'Never Have I Ever' questions is the perfect tool to bring laughter and connection to your workplace. Whether you're in a casual breakroom setting or part of a virtual team-building event, these questions offer a fun, light-hearted way to get to know your colleagues better without crossing any professional boundaries. So next time you're looking to shake things up and bring some fun into the office, you know where to turn. Let the games begin, and don’t forget—there’s always room for more laughs with our other question lists!

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