20 Hilarious WFH Memes To Make You Laugh Out Loud

The Best Memes For Remote Workers

Fri Feb 23 2024
Krish Jagirdar
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Ah, the joys of working from home! It's not all pajamas and endless coffee—sometimes, it's a circus of chaos and uninvited cat cameos during Zoom calls. But hey, who's complaining? As we've swapped office chairs for couch corners, our workdays have morphed into a blend of professional and personal worlds, often with hilariously unpredictable results. And what better way to capture this new normal than through memes? They're like those little nuggets of truth, wrapped in a giggle, that make us say, 'Yep, that's my life!'

So, buckle up, folks! We're diving into a treasure trove of 20 work-from-home memes that are so spot-on, they'll have you chuckling into your coffee and nodding in solidarity. Trust me, you'll want to share these with your coworkers—or should I say, your fellow home office warriors.

1. Work From Home Wardrobe

Work From Home Outfit
Working From Home In Pajamas

"No this isn't a blanket...it's a cape." - Me, on every single Zoom meeting.

2. Muted on Zoom...Again

Muted on Zoom
Work From Home Problems

Will we ever master the Zoom mute button? No, the answer is absolutely not. We'll hear screaming babies, and people talking in the background on every Zoom meeting until the days of remote work are over.

3. When the Team Building ends...

When Company Game Night is Over
Team Building For Remote Teams

Company team building activities like game nights are great...until you have to go back to work.

4. Said No One Ever

Safe From Zoom Meetings

Nothing like getting a last minute while doing at-home face mask.

5. Return to Office Mandates

Return to Office Mandate Meme

One you get a taste of WFH, there is no going back.

6. Not to brag but...

Remote Work Meme

It doesn't matter if you're the only one at the office, you're still the prettiest.

7. It gets lonely sometimes.

Remote workers alone

Nothing like taking your lunch break alone...for the 356th day in the row.

8. Audio Only Zoom Meetings FTW.

Video Zoom Meetings

Please, for the love of god, do we need to have our cameras on?!

9. Expectations vs. Reality

WFH Expectation vs. Reality Meme

If you haven't taken a meeting from your kitchen counter, do you really work from home?

10. When sharing your screen goes wrong...

Sharing Screen in Zoom Meeting

You're always one click away from revealing that you were just googling "Do cats have emotions?"

11. Never been so nervous

Google Doc Meme

If you see someone else in a google doc, please for the love of god, leave! We can't handle the pressure!

12. There's a difference.

Remote Work Memes

Having the option changes EVERYTHING.

13. Oops...

Can you hop on a call? meme

There's nothing like the dreaded "can you hop on a quick call" Slack message.

14. Does anybody have any questions?

Silent Zoom Meeting

No, the answer is always no we don't have any questions, but let's sit here in 20 seconds of silence anyways.

15. Just call me Sherlock Holmes.

Sharing screen meme

"Ah, someone's been looking at mansions on Zillow again."

16. Please, no more!

teambuilding.com meme

Please. We can't keep fake laughing during these teambuilding.com games. Make it stop.

17. All in a day's work.

wfh meme

The only thing half of my coworkers have ever heard me say is "Have a great day! Bye."

18. Not all heroes wear capes

Zoom Meeting Hero Meme

Every Zoom Meeting needs a hero. Why can't that hero be you?

19. Have a great day!

Work Email Meme

For the record, this is also the face everyone's making while saying "I hope this email finds you well" too.

20. The best news ever.

Return to office meme

Sure, we complain a lot about WFH but the truth is, we rather this than ever step foot in an office again!

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Krish Jagirdar
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