20 Incredible Gratitude Games & Activities for Adults in 2024

Thu Feb 08 2024
Krish Jagirdar
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Ready to embark on an extraordinary journey of appreciation and joy? In the fast-paced world of 2024, taking a moment to express gratitude isn't just nice—it's essential! We've cooked up a delightful mix of 20 gratitude games and activities that are perfect for adults. These aren't your run-of-the-mill activities; they're a unique blend of fun, reflection, and connection. So, let's get the gratitude party started!

20 Incredible Ways To Practice Gratitude

#1: The Thankful Jar

  • What You Need:

    A jar, slips of paper, pens.

  • How to Play:

    Each person writes something they're grateful for on a slip of paper and drops it into the jar. At the end of the game, read them aloud for a heartwarming revelation of gratitude.

#2: Gratitude Pictionary

  • What You Need:

    Whiteboard, markers.

  • How to Play:

    Just like traditional Pictionary, but with a twist! The words or phrases are all things people are thankful for. Guess what your friend is drawing and discover shared appreciations.

#3: Thank-You Note Challenge

  • What You Need:

    Note cards, pens.

  • How to Play:

    Set a timer and see who can write the most heartfelt thank-you notes in five minutes. It’s a race to spread appreciation!

#4: Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

  • What You Need:

    A list of gratitude-prompting items.

  • How to Play:

    Participants find items that represent what they’re thankful for. The most creative find wins!

#5: Compliment Tag

  • What You Need:

    Just your group of friends!

  • How to Play:

    Similar to tag, but when you 'tag' someone, give them a compliment. It’s infectious in the best way possible!

#6: Grateful Walks

  • What You Need:

    Comfortable shoes.

  • How to Play:

    Take a walk and point out things you're grateful for along the way. Nature, architecture, random acts of kindness—everything counts!

#7: Gratitude Alphabet

  • What You Need:

    Paper and pens.

  • How to Play:

    Go through the alphabet and name something you’re grateful for starting with each letter. It's tougher than it sounds!

#8: Gratitude Vision Board

  • What You Need:

    Magazines, scissors, glue, a poster board.

  • How to Play:

    Create a collage of images and words that represent things you're thankful for. A visual feast of gratitude!

#9: Memory Lane

  • What You Need:

    Photo albums or digital photos.

  • How to Play:

    Share photos that bring back happy memories and explain why you're grateful for those moments.

#10: Cooking with Gratitude

  • What You Need:

    Ingredients for a meal.

  • How to Play:

    Cook a meal together and share why each ingredient or dish is special to you. A delicious way to express gratitude!

#11: Gratitude Role-Playing

  • What You Need:

    Your imagination.

  • How to Play:

    Role-play different scenarios where you express gratitude. It’s a great way to practice thankfulness in a fun way!

#12: Gratitude Tree

  • What You Need:

    Paper, markers, a large poster of a tree.

  • How to Play:

    Write what you're thankful for on paper leaves and attach them to the tree. Watch your gratitude grow!

#13: The Gratitude Circle

  • What You Need:

    A group of friends or family.

  • How to Play:

    Sit in a circle and share something you’re grateful for. It goes round and round until everyone has shared.

#14: Grateful Mindfulness

  • What You Need:

    A quiet space.

  • How to Play:

    Practice mindfulness meditation, focusing on things you are grateful for. A serene way to appreciate life's blessings.

#15: Gratitude Bingo

  • What You Need:

    Bingo cards with gratitude prompts.

  • How to Play:

    Play Bingo but mark off squares by completing gratitude tasks. First to get a line wins!

#16: The Gratitude Journal Swap

  • What You Need:

    Journals, pens.

  • How to Play:

    Swap journals with a friend and write what you appreciate about each other. It’s a heartfelt exchange of kindness.

#17: Compliment Balloon Pop

  • What You Need:

    Balloons, slips of paper.

  • How to Play:

    Write compliments on slips of paper, insert them into balloons, and inflate. Pop them for a burst of kindness!

#18: Gratitude Movie Night

  • What You Need:

    Inspirational movies, popcorn.

  • How to Play:

    Watch films that inspire gratitude and discuss the grateful moments in them. A cozy night in!

#19: The Gratitude Debate

  • What You Need:

    Topics to debate.

  • How to Play:

    Engage in friendly debates but focus on the positives of each argument. A unique way to practice appreciation in disagreement.

#20: Thank-You Letter to Yourself

  • What You Need:

    Pen and paper.

  • How to Play:

    Write a letter to yourself, expressing gratitude for your strengths, achievements, and growth. A powerful act of self-love.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do these activities require any special materials? Most activities need only basic materials like paper, pens, and a bit of creativity!

  2. Can these games be played in a virtual setting? Absolutely! Many of these games are adaptable to online platforms, making them perfect for virtual hangouts.

  3. Are these activities suitable for large groups? Sure thing! They can be easily scaled up for larger groups or adapted for more intimate settings.

  4. How long do these activities take? It varies. Some can be quick five-minute exercises, while others might take a bit longer. Feel free to adjust them to fit your schedule.

  5. Is it necessary to be creative for these activities? Not at all! These activities are designed to be enjoyable and engaging for everyone, regardless of their creative flair.


Well, there you have it, folks—20 incredible gratitude games and activities for adults in 2024. Whether you're looking for a fun way to bond with friends or a meaningful activity to reflect on life's blessings, there's something here for everyone. Remember, gratitude isn't just for Thanksgiving; it's a year-round celebration. So, why not give these games a whirl? You might just find that a little bit of gratitude goes a long way in making life a whole lot brighter. Cheers to gratitude, laughter, and creating priceless memories!

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Krish Jagirdar
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