The Ultimate List of 100+ Either Or Questions for Adults

Fri Feb 09 2024
Krish Jagirdar
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Ever been stuck in a room full of people where the chatter just dwindles to an awkward silence? Or maybe you're just looking to jazz up your usual get-togethers? Well, have I got a treat for you – a fantastic collection of either or questions for adults that'll turn any gathering into a hub of engaging conversation and laughter. These aren't your run-of-the-mill questions, folks. They're thought-provoking, sometimes downright hilarious, and always a great way to break the ice. So, buckle up, and let's dive into the world of either or questions that'll keep everyone on their toes!

Why Either Or Questions Rock the Boat

The Magic of Simplicity

Ever noticed how sometimes the simplest things pack the biggest punch? That's the beauty of either or questions. They're easy to understand, quick to answer, and can reveal a lot more than you'd think about a person. Plus, they're a great way to get everyone involved – no wallflowers here!

Ice-Breaker Extraordinaire

There's nothing like a quirky either or question to break the ice. You know how it goes – one minute you're asking if someone would rather have the ability to fly or read minds, and the next thing you know, you're deep in a discussion about the ethics of mind reading. It's a conversation starter like no other!

The Art of Asking Either Or Questions

Know Your Audience

Before you dive into these questions, remember to gauge your audience. What flies in one group might totally bomb in another. The key is to keep it fun and respectful.

Keep it Flowing

The best part about either or questions? They're perfect for keeping the conversation flowing. If you hit a question that sparks interest, don't be afraid to explore it further. Remember, these questions are just the beginning!

150 Best This or That Questions for Adults

Let's get to the heart of the matter. Here are 150 of the best either or and this or that questions, neatly bundled into different categories for your convenience.

Basic Either Or Questions

  1. Read a book or watch a movie?

  2. Go to a beach or a mountain?

  3. Cook at home or dine out?

  4. Morning person or night owl?

  5. City living or country life?

  6. Summer or winter?

  7. Tea or coffee?

  8. Sweet or savory?

  9. Modern or traditional?

  10. Call or text?

  11. Adventure travel or relaxing vacation?

  12. Dogs or cats?

  13. Gym workout or outdoor exercise?

  14. Dress up or dress down?

  15. Listen to music or podcasts?

  16. Physical books or e-books?

  17. Paintings or photographs?

  18. Indoor or outdoor activities?

  19. Handwritten notes or digital notes?

  20. Plan everything or go with the flow?

  21. Watch sports or play sports?

  22. Comedy movies or horror movies?

  23. Long hair or short hair?

  24. Public transport or personal vehicle?

  25. Spontaneous trips or planned itineraries?

  26. Home-cooked meals or fast food?

  27. Smartwatch or traditional watch?

  28. Stay up late or wake up early?

  29. DIY projects or hire a professional?

  30. Spend or save?

Questions For Work

  1. Work from home or in the office?

  2. Lead a team or work independently?

  3. Early bird schedule or night owl hours?

  4. Big corporate company or small startup?

  5. Strict deadlines or flexible timelines?

  6. Office with a view or cozy cubicle?

  7. Team meetings or one-on-one sessions?

  8. Traditional 9-to-5 or flexible hours?

  9. High-stress, high-reward job or low-stress, steady job?

  10. Creative freedom or clear guidelines?

  11. Formal business attire or casual dress code?

  12. Coffee or tea during work hours?

  13. Long commute with dream job or short commute with okay job?

  14. Desktop or laptop for work?

  15. Frequent travel for work or office-bound?

  16. Work in a bustling city or quiet countryside?

  17. Annual bonus or extra vacation days?

  18. High salary with more hours or moderate salary with fewer hours?

  19. Regular training sessions or learn as you go?

  20. In-person conferences or virtual meetings?

  21. Detailed planning or go with the flow?

  22. Work on multiple small projects or one big project?

  23. Client-facing role or behind-the-scenes work?

  24. Salary increase or more senior job title?

  25. Company-wide recognition or private commendations?

  26. Hands-on management or hands-off approach?

  27. Traditional office space or creative open plan?

  28. Strict hierarchy or flat organizational structure?

  29. Regular feedback or annual performance review?

  30. Career advancement within the company or seeking opportunities elsewhere?

Funny Either Or Questions

  1. Fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?

  2. Always have to sing instead of speaking or dance everywhere you walk?

  3. Have a permanent clown nose or permanent clown shoes?

  4. Only be able to use a fork (no spoons) or only use a spoon (no forks)?

  5. Have fingers as long as your legs or legs as long as your fingers?

  6. Be able to talk to animals but they all dislike you or animals love you but you can't understand them?

  7. Always have to wear a superhero cape or a tutu?

  8. Have a time machine that only goes back in time or only forward?

  9. Have permanent Cheetos fingers or a perpetual popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth?

  10. Always smell like garlic or like a skunk?

  11. Live without music or live without TV?

  12. Have a dragon or be a dragon?

  13. Fight a shark with bear arms or a bear with shark arms?

  14. Sweat melted cheese or always smell like a campfire?

  15. Only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?

  16. Have every movie spoiled for you or never be able to watch a movie more than once?

  17. Be covered in fur or covered in scales?

  18. Have a nose that grows when you lie or turn bright red when you're embarrassed?

  19. Have the legs of a frog or the head of a bird?

  20. Have a permanently clogged nose or a piece of green spinach always stuck in your teeth?

  21. Be a brilliant genius that no one understands or an average person that everyone loves?

  22. Have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?

  23. Live in a world with giants or a world with elves?

  24. Have a tail that wags when you're happy or ears that flop when you're sad?

  25. Be constantly itchy or constantly sticky?

  26. Fight 100 duck-sized zombies or 10 zombie-sized ducks?

  27. Be able to only jump everywhere you go or only walk on your hands?

  28. Have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?

  29. Always talk in rhymes or sing instead of speak?

  30. Have every shirt you wear be kind of itchy or only be able to use 1-ply toilet paper?

Deep Thinker Questions

  1. Know all the world's languages or speak with animals?

  2. Have the power to change the past or see the future?

  3. Live forever without love or live a short life with love?

  4. Have eternal happiness with no growth or constant challenges with personal growth?

  5. Be remembered for your kindness or your accomplishments?

  6. Have the truth even if it hurts or live in blissful ignorance?

  7. Find true love or win a $10 million lottery?

  8. Lose all your old memories or never be able to make new ones?

  9. Have a life full of ups and downs or a predictable, stable life?

  10. Save the life of someone you love or save the lives of 10,000 strangers?

  11. Be feared by all or loved by all?

  12. Have the talent you love or excel in the field you work?

  13. Relive your past or have a glimpse of your future?

  14. Have peace without freedom or freedom without peace?

  15. Sacrifice your own life for others or live but with the guilt of not saving lives?

  16. Live in a utopia as a normal person or in a dystopia but you're the ruler?

  17. Be the pioneer of an invention with risks or a follower with a safe path?

  18. Have an influence on a few close people or a mild influence on a large group?

  19. Face your fears or forget that they exist?

  20. Always feel overwhelmed or always feel unfulfilled?

  21. Gain all knowledge at the loss of all creativity or gain creativity at the loss of all knowledge?

  22. Live a life of fame and turmoil or a life of obscurity and peace?

  23. Alter one event from your past or have a sneak peek into your future?

  24. Live without music or live without art?

  25. Lose your ability to feel emotions or lose your ability to express them?

  26. Be able to stop time or rewind time?

  27. Have a perfect memory or a profoundly imaginative mind?

  28. Know when you are going to die or how you are going to die?

  29. Spend a year completely alone or a year without a home?

  30. Always know when someone is lying or always get away with lying?

How to Use Either Or Questions Effectively

Setting the Scene

The key to making these questions work is in the delivery. A casual, relaxed setting works best. Think barbecues, dinner parties, or even long car rides.

Engaging Everyone

Make sure everyone gets a turn and encourage people to explain their choices. You might be surprised at some of the explanations!

Mixing It Up

Don't be afraid to jump between categories. Variety is the spice of life, after all!


Q: Can either or questions be used for team-building?A: Absolutely! They're great for breaking down barriers and getting team members to open up.

Q: Are these questions suitable for all ages?A: This particular set is geared towards adults, but feel free to modify them for younger audiences.

Q: How can I create my own either or questions?A: Think about current trends, personal interests, and relatable scenarios. The sky's the limit!


Whether you're looking to kill time on a long drive, break the ice at a party, or just want to have some fun with friends, these either or questions for adults are your go-to resource. They're simple, versatile, and a surefire way to spark lively conversations. Remember, the aim is to have fun and maybe, just maybe, learn something new about each other. So, the next time you find yourself in need of a conversation starter, whip out one of these gems and watch the magic unfold. Happy questioning!

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Krish Jagirdar
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