Top Team Building Leadership Exercises & Games For Work 2024

15 Incredible Leadership Building Activities

Tue Mar 05 2024
Krish Jagirdar
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On the hunt for some out-of-the-box ideas to rev up your team's energy and leadership skills? Well, buckle up, because you're about to embark on a wild ride through the world of team building leadership activities and games. Whether you're managing a new squad or just looking to add a dash of pizzazz to your team's dynamics, these activities are just the ticket. Let's dive in!

15 Games And Activities To Strengthen Leadership Skills

1. Time Capsule Creation

  • How to do it:

    The team creates a time capsule with items representing their current projects, hopes, or team dynamics.

  • Leadership insights:

    Encourages reflection on team progress and goals, and strengthens bonds as the capsule is opened in the future.

2. Story Chain

  • The game plan:

    Team members sit in a circle and collaboratively create a story, each adding one sentence at a time.

  • Takeaway:

    It encourages creativity, active listening, and builds a collective narrative, enhancing team cohesion.

3. The Marshmallow Challenge

  • The game plan:

    Teams compete to build the tallest free-standing structure using spaghetti, tape, string, and a marshmallow.

  • Key lesson:

    This fun game encourages innovative thinking and reveals a lot about how team members interact and collaborate.

4. The Minefield

  • Set up:

    Objects are scattered on the ground to represent mines, and blindfolded team members must cross with guidance from their teammates.

  • Leadership skills honed:

    Effective communication and trust are paramount here.

5. The Barter Puzzle

  • What happens:

    Teams are given different jigsaw puzzles to complete, but some pieces are mixed with other teams, requiring negotiation to get the right pieces.

  • Key takeaway:

    Teaches negotiation skills, strategic thinking, and the importance of communication within and across teams.

6. Office Debate Club

  • The gist:

    Teams engage in debates on light-hearted or work-related topics.

  • Key learning:

    Enhances public speaking skills and encourages respect for diverse perspectives.

7. Code of Conduct Creation

  • Objective:

    Collaboratively create a code of conduct or set of team values and principles.

  • Takeaway:

    Ensures buy-in from team members and sets clear behavioral expectations.

8. Community Service Projects:

  • What it involves:

    Participating in community service as a team.

  • Takeaway:

    Fosters a sense of unity and empathy, strengthening team bonds.

9. The Human Knot

  • How it works:

    Team members hold hands and must untangle themselves without releasing their grip.

  • Leadership lesson:

    A fantastic exercise for communication, patience, and problem-solving.

  • How to play:

    1. Form a Circle:

      Have all participants stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder.

    2. Reach Out and Grab Hands:

      Instruct each person to reach out to the center of the circle with their right hand and to grab the hand of someone standing across from them. It's important that they don't choose someone immediately next to them.

    3. Repeat with the Left Hand:

      Now, have everyone reach out with their left hand and grab a different person's hand, again ensuring it's not someone directly next to them.

    4. Entangled Knot Formed:

      At this point, the group should be a tangled knot of arms and hands.

    5. Untangle Without Breaking Hands:

      The challenge for the group is to untangle themselves without releasing their hands. If a hand grip is released, the process should start over or the group should reevaluate their strategy.

10. The Feedback Carousel: Constructive Insights

  • Mechanism:

    Team members write positive feedback on post-it notes and stick them on each other's backs.

  • Outcome:

    Boosts morale and encourages a culture of positive reinforcement.

11. Web of Connections

  • How it Works:

    A ball of string is thrown across the circle by each person after sharing something about themselves, creating a web. To make it easier choose a theme for everyone to speak on.

  • Theme Ideas:

    • Bucket List Goal

    • Best Advice You've Ever Received

    • Biggest Passion

    • Weird Fact About Themselves

  • Key Lesson:

    Highlights interconnectivity and the value of every team member's story.

12. Shark Tank: Pitch Perfect

  • How it goes:

    Teams create and pitch a product or service idea, mimicking the TV show.

  • Leadership skill development:

    Enhances creativity, presentation skills, and entrepreneurial thinking.

13. Blind Drawing: A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

  • The setup:

    One team member describes an image without naming it, and another draws it.

  • What it teaches:

    Hones in on the importance of clear communication and listening skills.

14. The Great Egg Drop: Don’t Crack Under Pressure

  • What's involved:

    Teams design a contraption to protect an egg from a high fall.

  • Leadership takeaway:

    Encourages creative problem-solving and innovation.

15. Role Reversal: Walk in Their Shoes

  • The activity:

    Team members swap roles for a day or a task.

  • Key learning:

    Promotes understanding and appreciation of different roles and responsibilities within the team.


Q: How often should we engage in these leadership activities and games? A: Ideally, sprinkle these activities throughout the year to keep the team's spirit high and the lessons fresh!

Q: Can these activities be tailored for virtual teams? A: Absolutely! Many of these can be adapted for virtual settings with a bit of creativity.

Q: What's the best way to debrief after these activities? A: Circle up and have an open discussion. Encourage everyone to share their takeaways and feelings about the experience.


Well, there you have it – a treasure trove of team building leadership activities and games to transform your team from a group of individuals into a tight-knit squad ready to tackle anything thrown their way. Remember, the key to a successful team is not just working together, but growing together. So go ahead, give these a whirl and watch the magic happen! Remember, teamwork makes the dream work!

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Krish Jagirdar
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